How to Keep Your Skin Healthy in Winter


Winter brings along the onset of dry skin, among other things. What can you do to ensure that your skin stays healthy and hydrated this winter? Here are some suggestions from skin care experts. (Interestingly, most of these recommendations apply to how you care for your skin at night or during your morning routine. Even if your work environment does its worst to dry you out, you can still stay ahead of the rough, flaky, cracked skin this winter!)

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Winter Exercise Tips

5374185384_a9d15fcf53_bDoes your exercise routine freeze during the winter? Maybe it’s too cold to go outside and run and too dark to go walking. Staying active in winter requires a little adjustment, but you can stay in shape with these tips!
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6 Healthy Soups for Cold Nights

3100872123_226c5e5326_bWinter’s just around the corner and the air is already a little nippy, which means soup makes a perfect supper! Store-bought soups are often high in sodium and full of unhealthy additives, so what are healthy soup options for these cold nights? We’ve collected a few recipes that are healthy and fairly simple:
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Yoga for Relaxation and Wellness

yoga relaxation benefitsDo you feel like you run around all day without a chance to rest? Come home at night frazzled, stiff, and unable to relax? If so, try yoga for relaxation and rejuvenation. Although yoga began as an Eastern practice with mystic origins, it has quickly been adapted into American culture as a relaxing form of exercise.

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