Manual vs. Computerized Chiropractic: What’s the difference?
At Chambersburg Chiropractic, we offer two different styles of treatments: traditional adjustments, which are done by hand, and instrument adjustments, which are performed with the help of a computerized tool. Here’s a quick look at the differences between these two methods.
Traditional (manual) chiropractic
The doctors of Chambersburg Chiropractic maintain proficiency in manual techniques including Gonstead, Thompson, Diversified, and Palmer Package. While technologies are the wave of the future for chiropractic, we believe there will always be a place for traditional chiropractic in the care of patients.

Instrument (computerized) chiropractic
Many of our patients love the convenience and ease of the instrument technique. Unlike manual chiropractic, treatments can be performed with the patient sitting upright instead of laying down on a table, and many find the more precise adjustments to be gentler and more comfortable.

Which treatment style is right for me?
So which technique is right for you? This is a good question. There are particular benefits to each technique, and different patients have different preferences.
When recommending a course of care, your chiropractor will take into account your initial patient assessment (including your health history, examination, and x-ray evaluation). He’ll recommend the technique he believes will best suit your particular needs. Each time you visit, we’ll evaluate your progress. Throughout the course of your care, the doctor may change to a different technique or blend techniques to maximize your results.
Visit our office for a free consultation, and we can discuss which method (or what combination of methods) will work best for you.