Natural Health Services
Natural health is a holistic approach of addressing the cause of the problem rather than the symptoms. Using nutrition and healthy lifestyle habits, this approach can reestablish better health and wellness by working with the healing powers of our human body. Natural health protocols have been proven to mediate issues such as:
- Immune Function
- Respiratory Health
- Type 2 Diabetes
- Cholesterol & Hypertension
- Fertility: Male and Female
- Kidney Issues
- Intestinal Dysfunction
- Chronic Fatigue
- Headaches & Migraines
- Digestion
- Sleep & Relaxation
- Inflammation
- Pain Management
- Osteoporosis
- Weight Loss
- Anxiety & Nervousness
- Brain Power
- And so much more!

Eliminate the cause. No more problem.
Our Natural Health Expert at Chambersburg Chiropractic is DK Guyer, PhD.
To set up an appointment, please call Dr. Guyer at: (717) 360-2647